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​My name is Orit and I am a Chinese medicine therapist focusing on women’s health.

I provide acupuncture and herbal treatments for many disorders that women experience at
any age in a private clinic I own since 2004.

For over 16 years, I have had the privilege to be part of a life-changing process for hundreds
of women who suffered from chronic vulvar and vaginal pain (vulvodynia). My collaboration
with the gynaecologist Dr Liora Abramov, one of the leading experts in vulvodynia in Israel,
led me onto this path in 2007.

From there, after eight years of practice and extensive research, I wrote the first detailed
article ever published in the professional Chinese medicine literature about vulvodynia.

Now, as always, I am committed to continuing learning and extending my knowledge in this
area, raising awareness of vulvodynia and the resulting success of my treatment has
become my mission.

In 2004, after completing 6 months of training programs in China I graduated from the 4-year
Chinese medicine program at Reidman International College in Tel Aviv, IL.

Over the years I have studied from many teachers in different courses and conventions most
influenced in acupuncture by master Tung’s method, and my herbal treatments are mostly
influenced by Shang Han Lun's and Li Dong Yuan's theories.

For years I have been dreaming about living in Amsterdam and in December 2018 at age
44, I fulfilled my dream and relocated my life and clinic to Amsterdam, NL. After completing
the Dutch HBO training program I joined the Dutch association LVNT.

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